Donations for Postcards

Postcards for the Texas House Democratic Candidates

We are working hard on getting postcards ready to mail out here in Texas. We need to raise $3,000 to cover postage. Please donate so we can reach critical voters.

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All Hat No Cattle’s mission

We believe Democrats have a once-in-a-decade opportunity to make real gains in the Texas House and Senate as Texas continues to trend Democratic. But we must focus on turnout in House and Senate Districts within the state. We must engage and inspire voters to go to the polls more than just every four years. Voters must learn to vote for every Democrat on the ballot and we have to give them a real reason to do it. Please consider donating to help us achieve this goal.

About the Author: Joel Montfort is an eighth-generation Texan, a political scientist, and a democratic activist. He has been actively involved in Texas politics for more than 8 years. He founded Richardson Area Democrats in 2017, was elected to the Texas Democratic Party's Executive Committee, served as president of Plano Area Democrats, and is currently a precinct chair in Collin County. He also owns a Democratic political consulting business